04b7365b0e 8 Nov 2012 ... OBJECTIVES: The international migration of health care professionals has been recognized as a public health concern. A series of 'push' and .... Experts from ethicists and political philosophers to clinicians and trade unionists seek answers to a number of key ethical questions to further a deeper .... For over a decade now, the global shortage of health professionals has been termed a crisis, and programs to address human resources for health (HRH) have been proposed to overcome the challenges. ... Labour mobility in general, and the migration of health workers in particular, will continue to rise in coming years.. Health workforce – Migration. The international migration of health workers is increasing. ... Future projections point to a continuing acceleration in the international migration of health workers, with an escalating mismatch between the supply of and economic demand for health workers.. Three main findings emerge from the OECD/WHO work with regard to the impact of health workers' migration on origin countries. First, a significant share of international movements is occurring between OECD countries, even though the bulk of migration flows is originating from developing and emerging countries.
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